25 Dec

I love you, my Ego!

This topic is just an illustration. An illustration of what we all naturally tend to do but by doing this we harm ourselves. We naturally deny anything in us, what we do not like. We want to get rid of anything that causes us discomfort. And Ego is an easy example of this. When people say “this is all my Ego” there is always something negative about it. In other words, people simply blame part of themselves (and Ego is part of every person). As Vlado Ilic, a Serbian facilitator, always says, by denying parts of ourselves we simply turn into a some kind of leopard, because every time we deny part of us, we get another dark spot in our body. This is very important to understand: by denying anything (or having bad attitude towards anything in us) we just get another health problem (or life problem).

So, what to do?

Love yourself. This is often not a very short way to get there. Loving yourself is all about acceptance. And zero point here is to accept your parents the way they are. Dot. A big dot. Remember: you got this life from your parents. But even if you already accept your parents, there are many other things to accept. If we try to discuss all of them, it will be a long story. To make the story shorter, I suggest a little trick, how to become comfortable and even in love with yourself for at least 5 minutes.

“I love you” sequence.

Sit comfortably and relax. Listen to yourself. If you are not a big master of meditation yet, you’ll notice some thoughts and suggestions coming from your mind (or ego? this is not important). Listen to it. This is part of you and it wants to help you. Try to feel grateful to this part of you and say to it “I love you”. But try to be honest. If something in you is not sure if you are honest, say to this part of you “I love you too”. Whatever is worrying in you, is tensed in you, is scared in you, hurts in you, judges in you – feel it and say to it “I love you”. And every time you are not sure – “I love you” to your “not sure”. After some time you should be able to achieve a smile. Say “I love you” to your smile. And your smile will become even wider. Now this is much easier to love yourself: your smile, your happiness, your light.