30 May

Changing for Better

Family Constellations Toronto Elena Nesterenko

If we want to change anything for better, this is only possible if we observe it first. When we open ourselves to it without any fear and intention, observe it and live through our sensations, then we are able to switch the problem for better. Most of our problems (or may be all of them) are our “blind spots”. We do not see them.
Constellation sessions show that even realizing or seeing the truth is often enough to initiate that shift.

Elena Nesterenko
Family & Systemic Constellations in Toronto

25 May

What is Family Constellations Work?

Family Constellations Workshop Vaughan Toronto Thornhill

When people suffer from certain conditions and situations, related to their health, relationships, profession, business, repetitive circumstances and so on, this does not mean these are their own issues.

The issues people suffer from are often not their own issues.

Many of the issues are inherited from the systems, where people belong. For example, we belong to our family (or family system). This is one of the systems, that influences us a lot. So, for example, very often, when someone is ill, this is not his personal illness; the illness is often coming from his family system. This, in family constellations, is called a systemic entanglement. Family Constellations or Family & Systemic Constellations is the way of working with such systemic entanglements. Read More

24 May

Growth and Strength

Семейные Расстановки в Торонто

Growth – this word is associated with getting bigger (bigger in size, in experience).
In order to grow we need to open up and take something inside (wonderful words by Bert Hellinger). This is how we become bigger or richer.

Bert Hellinger in his books offers us to feel what way are we going: to get more open, bigger and richer or to get more isolated, smaller and poor. This applies to any life situation: relationships with family, friends, people, work, health, happiness and so on.

Growing requires our courage and strength, because instead of hiding we choose to face and we take responsibility, which is often painful. This way we become only stronger.

Elena Nesterenko
Family Constellations in Torornto

23 May

Looking for Happiness

Family Constellations Workshop Vaughan Toronto

If you feel sad and are looking around trying to find some happiness for yourself – this is no the place for your happiness.

Your happiness is in you. No one can make you happy if you do not connect to your own happiness first.

Bert Hellinger says that our happiness is in connection to our mother. We are happy as much as we take our mother. And he says that many people do not understand that our mother is already within us, no need to look for her.

These words are just a just words for you until you are able to walk your own path, to live through it. What matters here is your inner experience. Otherwise these are just words.

Elena Nesterenko
Family Systemic Constellations in Toronto

21 May


Family Constellations by Elena Nesterenko, Toronto, GTA

“Bad” experiences or “mistakes” – this is something we often tend to get rid of, forget, like it never happened. There is no bad experience, there is experience. Any experience can be used to grow or to get stuck in it.
Your experience is the foundation for your next step.
By rejecting your experiences you kind of create a hole under your feet. This is the trap you fall into every time you step there. Read More

20 May

You Cannot Give if Your Hands are Empty

Family Constellations Toronto Relationships

From your emptiness you can only give emptiness.

Natural Givers

Lots of people, when giving, are actually looking to take, because they are empty. This is often very confusing at the beginning and traumatic after, because it looks like they are ready to give, but they actually only manipulate you and when the moment is right they start not taking but grabbing from you, and they are often very demanding. So, if you are a “natural giver”, you are actually a hidden taker, you grab energy from the people around you. Read More

12 May

How do We Create Problems. Easy Way :)

Family Constellations Toronto Method by Bert Hellinger

How our every day tasks turn into problems, health turns into illness, strength into weakness?

Your everyday tasks, your health, your strength, your life – all of it was given exactly to you. This means you are able to handle it. Here is one Jewish joke: “A man is asking the rabbi: “Can you give me an advice? I have a problem that I cannot solve.” The rabbi says: “I see no logic here. Read More

29 Apr

Gratitude Habit

Семейные расстановки по Берту Хеллингеру в Торонто

Being grateful to the life just the way it is, being grateful to your parents just the way they are – this is a blessing. This feels like a blessing in your body.

Bert Hellinger, the author of the family constellations method, suggests in one of his books to write down a few good things about your mother, father, spouse. This is the way of becoming grateful, especially if you are unhappy about the things around you.

Many of us are so got used to be unhappy, angry, stuck and so on. Why don’t we decide one day to begin developing new habits, Read More

28 Apr


Семейные Расстановки в Торонто по Берту Хуллингеру

Bert Hellinger, the originator of the Family Constellations method, in all his books speaks of responsibility. He always points to the importance of facing your responsibility and taking the right load upon yourself. This is as important as the life.

Taking responsibility and taking only your responsibility is life important.

Why is this so important?
Not taking your responsibility makes you weak, ill and unsuccessful.
Taking someone’s responsibility, again, makes you weak, ill and unsuccessful.

Not taking the right responsibility load makes you weak, ill and unsuccessful. Read More

28 Mar

Family Constellations by Bert Hellinger. What are Family Constellations?

Family Constellations in Toronto (a method by Bert Hellinger)


Success has a different meaning to all of us. For some this is a good health, for some – a happy relationship with parents, siblings, spouses, partners, children, or friends. Some people consider themselves successful if they are doing well professionally; some of us want to have inner peace or inner happiness, and there is more. These are a few examples of what people usually answer to the question “What does success mean to you?”

Why am I not Successful?

So, the question now is, why many of us cannot achieve what they want, their success? Because, in order to be successful in this life, Read More