25 May

What is Family Constellations Work?

Family Constellations Workshop Vaughan Toronto Thornhill

When people suffer from certain conditions and situations, related to their health, relationships, profession, business, repetitive circumstances and so on, this does not mean these are their own issues.

The issues people suffer from are often not their own issues.

Many of the issues are inherited from the systems, where people belong. For example, we belong to our family (or family system). This is one of the systems, that influences us a lot. So, for example, very often, when someone is ill, this is not his personal illness; the illness is often coming from his family system. This, in family constellations, is called a systemic entanglement. Family Constellations or Family & Systemic Constellations is the way of working with such systemic entanglements. Read More

28 Mar

Family Constellations by Bert Hellinger. What are Family Constellations?

Family Constellations in Toronto (a method by Bert Hellinger)


Success has a different meaning to all of us. For some this is a good health, for some – a happy relationship with parents, siblings, spouses, partners, children, or friends. Some people consider themselves successful if they are doing well professionally; some of us want to have inner peace or inner happiness, and there is more. These are a few examples of what people usually answer to the question “What does success mean to you?”

Why am I not Successful?

So, the question now is, why many of us cannot achieve what they want, their success? Because, in order to be successful in this life, Read More

25 Oct

Family Constellations – What is It?

Family Constellations Workshop Vaughan Toronto Thornhill

Family Constellations is a very deep, very profound soul work. The name is obsolete by now, but this is how people know it. It is fairly new to Canada. The work is specific to the client’s request. The work is usually being conducted in groups. There is the facilitator, the client and the group of people, who participate as helpers by representing different energies and aspects related to the client’s request.

The work the way it is, very practical, is brought to us by Bert Hellinger. Hellinger has found that there are fundamental mechanisms and laws in this 3-d world that affect our life here. He has found the reasons why people get ill, weak, unsuccessful in their personal, professional, business, and everyday life. Some people, for example, get into repetitive situations (like traumas, car accidents), and they do not understand why. This might repeat through the family generations.
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27 Dec

Facilitator – Taking Sides

If a facilitator takes sides he cannot help.
“When a client says: “I was raped” or “I am a victim of abuse”, something happens inside us. We take sides. That is why we cannot help. If I move with the Spirit-Mind, I see the perpetrators as beings in the same level as the victims. I see them as human beings who have different entanglements, but the same right to belong. When I give all of them a place in my heart, I am becoming in tune with the Spirit Mind and receive the understanding and strength that move forward.” Bert Hellinger
(From the Level 1 Hellinger Institute Toronto, Including the Excluded)

27 Dec

Victims and Perpetrators – Taking Sides

We feel sorry for the victims, we want to help them, we unite with them, we hate the perpetrators and this attitude makes us feel right and comfortable. But this way we are actually part of a problem.
Being part of a solution requires courage, is often scary, and does not feel right. A lot of courage is required to see the perpetrators, to recognize their presence in the family, and to recognize their presence in us (?! – this is definitely “no way”, because they are “bad” and we are “good”, of course, this is obvious).
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