25 Dec

Depression. A deep true love behind it.

I often hear questions about depression: Do you ever get depressed? Does it happen to you that you do not want anything? How do you fight it?

At first – this is our most natural reaction to resist, fight or try to get rid of anything unpleasant in ourselves. A lesson learned from the family constellations work: resisting, refusing, fighting, trying to push away does not work. This is our natural reaction and we lose this way. Because the cause is much more powerful than us. It is endlessly powerful. So, fighting and resisting is a perfect way to get ill.

Many family constellation sessions show that depression is your reaction to someone’s lost life, someone’s death in the past of your family. You are deeply connected to this soul and its destiny. You love this soul. Really, deeply, truly. But this love causes depression, which is your wish to die, because someone, who you love so deeply, also died. So, depression, in other words, is being dragged to death out of love.

And again, depression is our natural reaction to someone’s death. It is a natural but not necessary and not the only possible reaction. As Vlado Ilic, a Serbian facilitator, likes to say, there is love without any future and love with the future, the happy one. Getting ill or even dying – this is love without any future. This is when your vital energy is taken out of this life and is scarified to someone’s tragic destiny. And this is not what this soul needs. No. It needs its place in your heart. It does not want you to die. There is no need in one more victim and no one is asking you to be a martyr. If you give this soul a place in your heart you’ll get a powerful supporter. Instead of losing your energy you’ll get extra – extra energy, extra talents, extra vitality for your future successful life. This is what the family constellations method helps with – it helps such souls to find their places in our hearts, with love and for the future life.