Expectations & Missed Opportunities

One rabbi was very proud of his faith in God. He would always say: “I believe in the Lord.”
And then one day a flood happens. All people are saving themselves the way they can. Only the rabbi is calm and doing nothing: “I believe in the Lord. He will save me.”
The water continued to arrive. A boat comes to the rabbi’s house, and the people sitting in it, say: “There is place for one more person here, come with us, otherwise you will drown.” The rabbi replies: “No, I believe in the Lord, he will save me.” And he continues to stand, already waist-deep in the water. Then another boat comes, offering help. But the rabbi stands firm on his: “I believe in the Lord, he will save me.” Finally, the third boat comes, but the rabbi refuses help again.
As a result, the rabbi, of course, dies. And when he meets God in heaven, he asks him: “I believed in You so deeply, Lord! Why did not you save me?” And God answers him: “Idiot, I sent you a boat three times!” (Jewish Parable)
Missed Opportunities
This is a very good example of missed opportunities. When we have expectations towards the life, how things should be, we miss opportunities. When we have expectations and an opportunity comes, we might not recognize it, and we night not take it, so we miss it.
What are those expectations? The most crucial expectation of many people is: THE PAST SHOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT. And this expectation causes a huge amount of problems to people, including health, relationships, work, business and so on. More about it during family constellations workshops:
Family Constellations Workshops (Vaughan, Toronto)
Elena Nesterenko