Physical Health
What is a healthy body?
First of all, body is energy. Then a healthy body is a body where the energy floats freely. To develop an illness you need to get an area of tension in your body first, so the life energy cannot float freely through this tension. Also, by getting areas of tension in your body, you also get areas of low energy/emptiness, which are also very good target spots for illnesses. Once you relief the tension, mighty life energy flushes the illness away.
Why do we get those areas of tension? You can observe situations, when you get tensed. It could be fear, anger, rejection (when you reject something).
There are some teachings saying that we get ill because of heavy metals in our bodies (mercury, lead, aluminum). And heavy metals do cause lots of harm to health. The question to me is, why different people collect the same heavy metal in different spots of the body? I think, this depends on the areas of tension and emptiness.
A very good thing here would be a meditation, when you observe all your body, all your sensations and thoughts and simply allow everything to be the way it is, allow everything to happen. This helps releasing tension.
Besides, from family constellations, from Bert and Sophie Hellinger we know that health issues often are related to some family past trauma. When there are some traumatic events, that family tends to reject, which in turn creates tension in family system energy, which in turn affects the family members. In general, family constellations work with such spots of tension in systems (not only family systems). And again, this work is all about including and integrating with love and respect.
Elena Nesterenko – Family and Systemic Constellations Workshops